Nov 29, 2023
Innes, Anthony, and Jeremy are joined by Nathan as they recount their experience at the inaugaral World Championships of Warhammer. The good, the bad, and the silly. Oh and we look at the last two weeks in stats (Sisters won 3 events?!)
Nov 24, 2023
Tim wins an Ironman GT (5 rounds in a single day), Cliff and Tim discuss how Tim used time management strategy to quickly get to fighting form with 5 games on Death Guard, we talk a bit about Elo, Warhammer World Champs, and of course take your questions.
Nov 15, 2023
Innes and Jeremy run a bit short on time in preparing for the WCoW so here's a little preview of what we're about to dive headfirst into!
They talk about the week in stats, the current meta, and what they're both looking forwards to at the first ever World Championships of Warhammer in Atlanta!
Nov 8, 2023
Anthony has returned victorious from the California Cup in beautiful San Diego, California! We have a special all-World Eaters episode to celebrate where Nathan walks him through his stellar 9 game run to win World Eaters' first GT of 10th edition!
Nov 2, 2023
Typhus comes back with Nathan to talk about Battle of Britain and a little about Pyra Cup.
Battle of Britain event page:
Battle of Britain lists page: