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Dating Intelligence the Podcast

Dec 15, 2020

Ok, if you listened to part 1 of this dating series... you’re definitely going to love what we have to say in part 2.  What better way to finish out the year with a back to back 2 part series on dating.  Join Christopher and Tina as they continue to share stories and info on the do’s and don’ts of “The Good, The...

Dec 14, 2020

Okay.  So you knew we'd finally get here,   And what better way to finish out the year with a back to back two part series on dating.  Join Christopher and Tina as they share stories and info on the do's and don'ts of "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" world of dating.  

Dec 1, 2020

 Take a moment to physically look at yourself in the mirror.  Sometimes the way we present ourselves in our daily lives don’t necessarily reflect the way others view you.  Join Chris and Tina, as they “rip you a new one" and "tell it like it is”, in another informative and hilarious episode. ...