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Tripping on Legends

Feb 18, 2019

Two figures meeting at the middle of a bridge. One murder, one child, and three ghosts left to play out the story.

This week Christopher Balzano and Natalie Crist head back to Central Florida to the near-ghost town of Lorida to look for the ghost of a murdered witch. She bargained a love potion for the first born of a...

Feb 7, 2019

After watching the new paranormal documentary Hellier and reading much of the criticism out there on it, this episode had to be done. Every step you take towards the paranormal, it takes two steps towards you. If you’ve spent any time looking into the unexplained, things start to pop up that could be ignored if...

Feb 7, 2019

After watching the new paranormal documentary Hellier and reading much of the criticism out there on it, this episode had to be done. Every step you take towards the paranormal, it takes two steps towards you. If you’ve spent any time looking into the unexplained, things start to pop up that could be ignored if...