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Pinetop - Lakeside Talk of the Town

Mar 16, 2023




  1. Call to Order (Ascertain Quorum, Pledge of Allegiance, and Invocation)


  1. Call to the Public


  1. Consent Agenda (approval of routine matters)


  1. Business Before the Council


D-1 Proclamation – Week of the Young Child


D-2 Consider Resolution No. 23-1662 approving the retirement of K9 Officer Vic and transfer of ownership to his handler, Officer Justin McNeil


D-3 Proclamation – Recognition of K9 Officer Vic


D-4 Presentation – Hub and spoke recycling feasibility assessment


D-5 Consider Resolution No. 22-1663 approving a rate increase for Town attorney services with Sims Macklin, Ltd.


D-6 Public Hearing – Discussion and consider adopting Ordinance No. 23-461, amending Town Code Title 5, adding Chapter 5.28 regarding licensing vacation rentals and short-term rentals


D-7 Public Hearing – Discussion and consider Resolution No. 23-1664 and Ordinance No. 23-462 amending Title 15, Chapter 15.08 Drainage Regulations to allow stormwater retention systems in certain situations


D-8 Consider Resolution No. 22-1666 approving funding for FY22-23 chipseal project utilizing Pinal County Contract No. 175923, Navajo County materials contract, Arizona State Rental Contract ADSPO19-213364 and Town Purchase Policy for additional equipment rental


D-9 Presentation, discussion and consider accepting the Town’s annual financial comprehensive report (ACFR) and the annual expenditure and limitation report (AELR) for the year ended June 30, 2022


  1. Adjournment


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