Happy Marvelous Monday!
It's not very often that we get a grandma on the podcast, but today we have Marriann Hough, mother of nine and grandmother of 20! She's lived a little longer than some of us, and has some good tips for new moms and beyond.
I LOVE all the topics we discussed, including:
Don't forget to follow Marriann:
It's the weekend! I think Friday is a great day for a chat with an old friend. I've been friends with Teria Brooks for over a decade! I think she's absolutely amazing and I'm super excited to share her awesomeness with you.
In today's episode, we talk about:
Oh my gosh it's almost Christmas!!!
Don't forget to check out all the things:
Hey Marvelous Moms!
Today we have another awesome homeschooling mom on the podcast. Kristen Mittler is one of the most relatable people I know, and I know you will love listening to her. Whether homeschooling is your thing or not, this is a great episode!
Happy Monday, Marvelous Moms! How's everyone doing with all the holiday planning? I swear no matter how much I think I'm prepared for this time of year, it's always WAY crazier than I remember!
Today's episode is with the lovely Nikki Elledge Brown, who describes herself as "a self-proclaimed word nerd, military spouse, former park ranger, college professor, and mom of two, known online for her quirky-yet-super-practical teaching style and refreshingly honest reflections on the realities of parenthood + entrepreneurship."
Interested? Thought so. Listen to our chat because Nikki has tons of golden nuggets to share, like:
You'll love this one, promise.
Today's episode is one that was originally going to air on the podcast "Full Time Family"- a whim I had months ago. I decided to instead present it as a series here within Marvelous Moms to keep all the great content in one easy to find place!
This episode is also different than any we've had so far. The reason for that is because we have a mom AND a daughter talking with us!
Do you remember Alison Prince from episode 202? She's back today and has her daughter Makayla telling her side of the story. I love hearing this different perspective. It's always been the moms talking about their kids with no input from the other side, so this was fun!
We talked about a bunch of things, including:
I hope you enjoy listening to this fun chat between mother and daughter (and me!)
I want to hear from YOU my friend! Let's chat about this over on Instagram- @kirstentyrrel You can tag me or post and use #marvelousmomsclub so we can keep the conversation going.
You know what? You should make sure you've SUBSCRIBED to the podcast! Do that here on iTunes or Stitcher!
AND if you LOVE the podcast and want to show me some love- head to iTunes and leave a rating and review! (thank you so much!)
Thanks for listening- have a marvelous day!