Aug 26, 2023
WWIII any time now? NO! Jesus tells us the day He returns in the clouds (His 24th prophecy) the world will be living in a false peace! HE COMES LIKE A THIEF TO STEAL THE WORLD’S FALSE PEACE! The archangel come with Him and “CATCHES US UP” to be with Jesus. This is all “literally” in the bible!
Aug 23, 2023
In episode 286 we learned about a group led by Russia that will appear to bring WWIII! When it looks like WWIII has arrived, this is actually God’s 13thprophecy! It is now what most will think it is! It will be over in mere hours by God’s hands alone! It will ALTER THE COURSE OF HISTORY! Ten more events then occur...
Aug 23, 2023
The Oppenheimer movie has sparked concerns about WWIII! In the near future, it will look like WWIII is coming but God has something spectacular in mind related to Israel! I will be addressing what we should be looking for regarding a specific coming major event in this episode 286, followed by 287, and 288! WE HAVE...
Aug 17, 2023
MY SHOW IS AT A CROSSROADS, AND I NEED YOUR HELP! Jesus is under severe attack, and He tells us this is only going to get worse! SHARING PROPHECY IS IMPORTANT TODAY! I am humbled to have over 15,000 listeners! As the number of listeners increases costs to produce this show rise proportionally…this is a fact...
Aug 17, 2023
Many Christians are experiencing fears regarding the rapid moral decay building in our world today. Jesus tells us that “by faith” we will be able to handle what is coming as it must arrive. God shares amazing things with us regarding faith in His word!