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The Knew Method by Dr.E

Sep 20, 2023

Ever felt puzzled by weird symptoms that just don't add up? Have you dealt with unexpected weight changes, constant tiredness, or feeling too hot or cold out of the blue? Don't brush it off – your thyroid could be trying to tell you something vital.
Guess what? You're not alone – there are about 20 million...

Sep 13, 2023

What if I told you, there's a hidden link, a common factor that lies at the root of all diseases?
It’s Inflammation and it affects everything.
Sounds scary, right? Whether it's heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, or even Alzheimer's, inflammation is the common thread connecting these health issues together.

Sep 11, 2023

Does your mood and energy swing up and down? Do you crave sugar or salt? Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you less interested in sex? This could mean your hormones are not in balance.
So many things we accept as normal might actually be signs of imbalance.
We often link hormone problems to sex hormones like estrogen,...

Sep 6, 2023

Have you ever thought about what the foods you eat are made of? What's really on your plate?
Artificial flavors and hidden toxins, secretly sneaking into your body.
These sneaky infiltrators not only make themselves at home, but they also love to create chaos - with your energy levels, your skin, and even your...