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The Knew Method by Dr.E

Mar 27, 2024

Is forgetfulness becoming a regular thing?

We’ve all been there...

Always searching for your keys or phone, only to realize they’re in your hand all along

And you wonder if you’re already losing your memory.

The good news is, it's not too late to take control of our brain health and maintain cognitive function.


Mar 20, 2024

Ever felt like you're too sensitive to the world around you?

This week's episode is a must-hear! We're delving deep into Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) – a condition that explains why scents, foods, or certain environments leave you feeling overwhelmed while everyone else is just fine.

If you’ve felt like you...

Mar 14, 2024

Ready to kick your metabolism into high gear?

Your meals aren't just about counting calories—they are a series of codes of information that tells the body what to do.

Finding the perfect combination is crucial for getting that metabolism running smoothly.

It boils down to the fuel you're introducing into your...

Mar 6, 2024

It’s called the SILENT KILLER. 

UNTREATED high blood pressure will cause permanent damage to your organs and can be deadly.

It's critical that you manage your high blood pressure but is taking a pill the only way?

Don't let this silent threat go unchecked – discover how to safeguard your health beyond the...