Jul 16, 2022
Ms. Karon brings back our popular series on taking a look at the steps involved in a traditional Jewish wedding and how those steps help us understand the times and seasons from Scripture all the way up to today. In this episode we get into the first two steps of the father choosing the bride and the groom agreeing on...
Jul 9, 2022
Ms. Karon concludes our Connecting the Old and the New series by talking about the reasoning behind the laws and instructions given by God for the holistic health of His creation. She also brings to light how men added to it by creating the Talmud. The Commandments by God are life and love to allow His people to be set...
Jul 2, 2022
Ms. Karon continues in our series on Connecting the Old and the New giving more foundation to how we should view Scripture in our holistic approach to a healthy life. We discuss the marraige covenant between believers and God, how serviing self leads to opportunity for the enemy to gain strongholds against us...