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Protecting Your Radius Podcast

May 29, 2023

Not many times can you get a solid hour+ hang out session-turned-business meeting out of Dan Blanc (of My Fence Life fame) and our own Nathan Downs... but this was one of those times.  Both men have been very busy at their businesses and they used the opportunity here to cross-platform collide their YouTube & Podcast...

May 25, 2023

This episode has Nathan & Donnie Running through the gauntlet about wood materials, steel prices, expectations of building materials and so much more.  If you're in the field day-to-day or deal with material ordering/purchasing this will be an episode that you will probably relate with.

Our partner on this show is...

May 22, 2023

This whole episode is a real-world case study of how RADIUS Gate & Fence Company uses the duo of Staintrac and WoodDefender to make post-stain spraying challenges something of the past! Staintrac (Fence Staining Machine (Save Time - Make Money) Decks Too) is the world’s premier machine-driven solution for applying...

May 18, 2023

This episode was a LONG one... over 40 minutes of really in-depth conversations about concrete getting on posts, crews not cleaning said posts, sloppy work in general, slacking installers not putting up a fence correctly... and arguing with the customer?!?  Then wrapping the conversations up talking about our partners...

May 15, 2023

Having a little bit of time in each of our schedules - Nathan sits down with Michael Reed, the Executive Director of the American Fence Association.  This conversation is RIPE with really great nuggets of information about the true VALUE of what a trade association can do for you and your organization.  We can't say...