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Banking on Experience powered by CRMNEXT

May 25, 2020

So, what can you expect to hear from our master of CX, Jeannie Walters?

  • What led her to want to improve CX at organizations all over the globe. For Jeannie, it was- and is- all about “advocating for customers.”

  • The process she undertakes to help organizations improve their CX. Hint: It starts with taking a good...

May 18, 2020

Alex Jimenez and Joe Salesky talk about managing the data of customers, the use of notebooks and the inability to manage that across systems for sharing.

May 11, 2020

Dan Lobl contributed to the visual effects on several Star Wars films, including the original and prequel trilogies, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and Solo.

Dan and Marla discuss lessons to be learned from one of the most successful film merchandising franchises in history, as well as his own personal journey with...