Sep 26, 2023
Eddie Pepitone brings you a brand new game show staring Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein, "Freeze Off!" now on CNN. This episode features: Guided Meditation and Checking in with Al & Margret. Enjoy
Catch up on all our videos a week later at:
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Sep 19, 2023
The brilliant mind of Eddie Pepitone is set free yet again on another theatre of the mind episode of Apocalypse Soon! On this weeks episode we check in with the couple living inside Eddies head. We take a moment to bow our heads and close our eyes and throw up a prayer for all the neglected celebrities we know...
Sep 12, 2023
Comedian Eddie Pepitone talks burning man, butt implants, mental health and falling into the eyes of a well put-together man at Whole Foods. Guided Meditation and Driving in the rain are featured on this weeks episode of Apocalypse Soon with Eddie Pepitone.
Sep 5, 2023
Happy Memorial Day! This week we bring you an all guided meditation episode. Thats right, the best of Eddie's guided meditations from the last 81 episodes. Back next week with another in studio episode (for real).
Catch up on all our videos a week later at:
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