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The 98%

Dec 20, 2022

Get your festive gear on, grab a drink and hunker down for a jam packed Christmas episode including listener stories, some VIA ("very important animal") introductions and a generous helping of classic 98% chat from Alexa and Katie. 

We are very excited to be back on the mic, with many new episodes in the bank and/or...

May 9, 2022

In this episode Katie and Alexa have a catch up and fill you in on what's been happening behind the scenes. Hear about how things have been going for Katie in the writer's chair and why Alexa is feeling like she's stuck in a rut with classic frustrations for the 98% of actors. Grab a drink and pretend you're joining us...

May 9, 2022

WeAudition have been trailblazers in the world of helping actors and making opportunity more accessible for years now, and have been supporters of the podcast for a long time. In this episode you can hear an abundance of positive stories, inspirational ideas and aspirational hope from co-founder Darren Darnborough as...

May 9, 2022

In this mini series of The 98%, hear from some actors who have made it their mission to help others, specifically actors in The 98%. In this episode join Alexa, Rob and Elliot as they discuss Flairbox; a global online community of performers that allows talented individuals to perform, connect and be discovered for...

Mar 21, 2022

Mic, Concern, Reaction; where Alexa and Katie discuss current goings on in the industry, hot off the press, that specifically relate to The 98% of actors. In this episode, following on from the twitter storm in response to Rufus Norris' comments quoted in a recent article for The Stage, Alexa and Katie chat to...