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Nov 30, 2019

On the podcast, Rich will talk about guarding against ANYTHING that unnecessarily throws a monkey wrench into the mental psyche of your people. Business is hard enough with the unexpected and unavoidable problems--there’s no need to heap stress on yourself in the name of MONEY.

Schedule a session with Rich to talk...

Nov 29, 2019

Today’s podcast is a strategy call Rich had with a successful remodeler who was looking for ways to take it to the next level. You’ll hear Rich’s advice for creating a better website, SEO, and Facebook advertising. You’ll hear all about diggable content and how to really separate from your competitors.

Nov 28, 2019

Rich has a list of about 60 things that are proof positive that, despite its problems, things are better in our country than they’ve ever been before!

Nov 27, 2019

Rich will show you exactly how lucky you were to be born in this country, to live in the nice neighborhood you do… even how lucky you are to have electricity. He’ll also help you sort out what’s actually important versus what’s not really that important in the grand scheme of things.

Nov 26, 2019

Rich Talks with a woman hired by a roofing company to help them create structure in what has historically been a chaotic company… but as you’ll hear, her real problem is battling a toxic corporate culture that’s caused by one of the owners.


Talk to Rich about your Company Culture...