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Brothers of the Serpent

Jun 29, 2017


There are aspects of this episode that do not correlate to anything "tangible"  or "real", and instead seem to take 90 degree turns in directions that do not actually exist, then head off into impossible infinities only to discover god and/or aliens sitting out there calculating the...

Jun 22, 2017

We start this episode with a recount of a daytrip we took to a nearby extinct volcano that we totally did not know was there even though we've lived here for decades. Usually volcanoes are pretty noticable because mountain, but this volcano is eroded flat, nothing but a small knob of igneous material remains where...

Jun 15, 2017

In this episode we start off already completely distracted by Default Android Voice 001, which leads to Sitchin and aliens and Annunaki  (of course), but eventually that leads to Ba'albek which completely distracts us a second time because it has Impossiblocks. Naturally that leads to the subject of Shamanism and...

Jun 8, 2017

Episode ten! Wow.

Anyway, we dedicate this show to questions, comments, emails, catcalls, and heckling from listeners who just want us to slow down, chill out, and explain some things in detail, because we're always referring to these things but we've never actually explained what they are.

So we try to do...

Jun 4, 2017

In this episode, we discuss pyramids and Babel and pyramids and tacos and pyramids and Newton and pyramids and physics and pyramids and genetics and pyramids and alchemy and then we finish it off with a discussion about pyramids.

P. S. (Also, Kyle does the most amazing impersonation of Christopher Dunn ever done by...