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Brothers of the Serpent

Jan 25, 2018

In this episode we got started really late due to some technical difficulties, so our conversations tend to meander a bit more than usual, and there are more than the usual number of bad puns and dad jokes. (We have determined that the number of puns and dad jokes is closely proportional to the number of hours it has...

Jan 21, 2018

In this very special unplugged episode we dyslexia discuss. Kyle had a very dyslexia slight when he was younger, and he continues to experience it today under very conditions specific. We talk about what could possibly be causing it, and Kyle gives an interesting description of feels it how to experience inside...

Jan 14, 2018

Episode 30 is a fantastic interview with a scholar of all things strange, credentialed ancient historian, Fortean initiate, and most importantly a dedicated Snakebros listener, mister Jeremy Figgins.

The official show observer Brett England joins us for the interview, throughout which we discuss....well, just...

Jan 11, 2018

We start the first episode of 2018 with a great discussion about......about, umm.....wha.....? Well we intended to discuss the concept of anti-memes but....hmmm. Anyway, we talk about the universal and cosmological "twin" concept, also called symmetry, and how this concept seems to extend far back into the depths of...