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Banking on Experience powered by CRMNEXT

Aug 8, 2023

The burning question for many credit unions is: "To Merge or Not to Merge?" It's a decision that carries profound implications, and one that's becoming ever more pressing in our turbulent financial landscape.

With an array of challenges confronting smaller credit unions, is merging the only path forward? Or might your credit union be missing out on unexplored avenues for growth, hidden in plain sight?

Our esteemed guest, Sam Brownell, Founder and CEO of CUCalloborate, believes there's more to the story. He argues that many credit unions on the verge of merging aren't fully harnessing their growth potential—a potential unlocked by strategically wielding data.

Join us as we delve into these hidden opportunities, revealing how data's transformative power can not only broaden your field of membership but also crystallize your credit union's unique niche. Learn the secrets to unlocking this growth and how other credit unions have successfully navigated this complex landscape.

Before making that monumental merger decision, pause and consider the untapped growth waiting to be discovered. Tune in to this can't-miss episode for a fresh and unique perspective on credit union mergers. 

Sam Brownell's exclusive insights and actionable strategies could very well redefine your approach to growth and become the key to your credit union's success.


If you'd like to attend our live podcast on Wednesday, August 9th at 12 pm EST –– use this link to register: