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Oct 21, 2022

Most of us measure ourselves in all of the wrong ways, and it leads to injury, overtraining, burnout, and under performance.

In this episode, I give you 7 ways to re-frame how you measure success in order to be a happy, healthy, sustainable runner who ultimately reaches their long term potential.

For example, stop...

Oct 14, 2022

In this episode, Nicole Winter (@nicolemruns) asks me questions from her followers about final race week preparations. We discuss everything from choosing a race pace to race week eating to the taper and strength training (or not), plus much, much more. 

We also discuss an injury she is facing on her journey to qualify...

Oct 8, 2022

One of the biggest mistakes I see made in training is a lack of variation within a training cycle and certainly across training cycles. If you want to reach your goals, you need to make sure that you are modulating your training in a way that allows your entire aerobic system to build vs. just smaller parts of it.
