Apr 4, 2018
Stone of the Pregnant Woman, Ba'albek, Lebanon. Until recently, this was the largest known cut stone block in the world. Estimates range from 1000-1400 tons. That's up to 2.8 million pounds. |
More recent photo. Block from the first pic is the one on top. It is sitting on top of two more giant blocks that are even larger, estimates range between 1400-1800 tons, or up to 3.6 million pounds. |
Another part of the "abandoned stele" in Yangshan Quarry. Seems like somebody should have figured out "this is waaaaaay too big guys" long before they did so much work. You know? |
Huge unfinished Moai at Easter Island. |
Some of the enigmatic stone spheres of Costa Rica. The large ones are more than 8 ft. in diameter, and they are all geometrically perfect spheres. |
The weird crystal cube bowl gear thingies from the Giza plateau. |