We start the show talking about how,
in this day and age, there are actually still people out there who
do not spend an appreciable amount of timethinking about Pyramids. I mean, it's
2017! How are there even people out there who don't think about
Pyramids?? Can we get with the program here, on the right
In this episode we discuss how many
of the most mysterious ancient sites are connected to each other
through sometimes obvious, sometimes subtle, stylistic
similarities, and how this fits with the growing picture of ancient
history as defined by pulling together ancient texts and myths from
all over the world.
In this episode we spend a lot of
time on the subject of modern so-called
"skeptics"(AKA skerptards AKA
skerpderpers AKA losers), the concept of
"debunking" vs actually disproving or
falsification, and the myriad ways that the modern
"skeptic" movement is deeply deceptive in their methods and
tactics. We also discuss...