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Brothers of the Serpent

Oct 12, 2021

We're busy preparing for Egypt but we did want to get another episode out before we left, and what better time to catch up on listener emails right before we leave for two weeks and get way behind again?

Kyle reads some excellent news stories on human origins and humans in the "new world", as well as some strange and...

Oct 8, 2021

We're finally back from our Scablands trip and long road journey home, and, with only a week before we leave for Egypt, we plan to release a couple of episode to make up for the weeks we missed.

Ben from UnchartedX was with us in the Scablands, so we got to hang out and get to know him better, and we agreed to do an...

Oct 2, 2021

We're on the road, driving the whole family from the Scablands in Washington State all the way to Texas, and stopping at lots of cool and beautiful places along the way.

We recorded this with a little handheld recorder in a sweet AirBnB cabin in Wyoming. It's raw and unedited.

Hope you all enjoy. We'll be back to...