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Brothers of the Serpent

May 25, 2018

Kyle has been "reading" Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" so we spend most of the show discussing the alternate view of history Velikovsky proposes in that book, and in the fourth segment, Russ reads some excerpts from William Brambley's "Gods of Eden" regarding the medieval plagues and how those epidemics seemed to be...

May 19, 2018

Why do ancient ruins align astronomically, or incorporate fundamental universal constants such as π(Pi) or φ(Phi)? Why was world-changing, mind-opening knowledge made esoteric, concealed behind symbols in stories and works of art? Why do so many ancient ruins appear like mysterious puzzles, with clear traces of...

May 10, 2018

We emerge puffy-faced and bleary-eyed from a five-day internet blackout, unbathed, unshaven, clothes worn ragged on our backs, only to realize it's Tuesday and thus time to record a podcast. Having been able to do no research at all because of the blackout, we decide that it doesn't really matter because we've never...

May 3, 2018

Some interesting "weird news" items this week, 50,000 year old carved stone heads found in Texas and Pleistocene Buttflappers used the Distraction Dance on Giant Sloths when hunting them, for example. Some obligatory ridicule of the paradigm here as well.  

Russ reads an article about the strange "Cicada 3301"...