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Dive Deep, Climb High

Focusing on leadership in higher education, Mel Loizou asks her guests to share what leadership means to them. The Dive Deep Climb High podcast is fun, honest, and relatable. It enables you to dive deep into your role and the leader you are.

To climb high, unleashing the power and potential of you and those around you. With inspiring stories, practical tips, and a little bit of fishiness this show will help you realise that sometimes the apparently impossible is absolutely possible. 

Dive Deep. Climb High. Can Do Leadership in a World of Can’t.


Jun 28, 2022

In this episode, Mel dives deep into these recent podcast episodes

014 People Buy From People with Simon Horniblow

015 Regulate Your Nervous System with Paul Crick

016 Let Your Head & Heart Rule with ChaNan Bonser

Three incredible conversations, covering a range of topics including student engagement, why people buy...

Jun 21, 2022

In this episode we dive deep into our bodies and the wonderful world of creative kinesiology. Sharing her own voyage of discovery as someone who spent much of her time inside her own head, to understanding the wisdom and insights her body holds, ChaNan is now able to maximise her performance by letting her heart and...

Jun 14, 2022

In this episode we take a deep dive exploration into our nervous system and how by understanding what happens to us at neurobiological level, we can be better leaders. As a keyboard player with a fear of performing in public, and a reformed management consultant who experienced some pretty stressful and toxic work...

Jun 7, 2022

In this episode we dive deep into the importance of engaging students and building a sense of community throughout their university journey. Simon also shares why he is so committed to bringing people into his business who are at the start of their careers and how the passion of his team spurred him on, to lean into a...