Apr 26, 2022
In this episode we dive deep into the world of commercial services and how you can expand your influence as a leader. Having spent his entire working life at the University of Lancaster, Jo Hardman shares how being an opportunist has helped his career, why he is driven by a desire to make the people around him have a...
Apr 19, 2022
In this episode, Mel dives deep into these recent podcast episodes
005 The Answer is Inclusion with Linbert Spencer OBE
006 Workplace Wellbeing with Bobbi Hartshorne
007 Turn Customer Service Inwards with Andrew McMillan
Three conversations about three very different topics. Interestingly, whilst on the surface...
Apr 12, 2022
In this episode we dive deep into what can happen if an organisation turns its customer focus inwards. As an employee engagement specialist, Andrew shares with us his six-step framework for embedding a customer service culture and what he has learnt through his twenty-six years working at the John Lewis Partnership and...
Apr 5, 2022
In this episode we dive deep into workplace wellbeing, uncovering why it is no longer just a nice to have, but a strategic imperative. As a wellness expert Bobbi shares her thoughts around how organisations can move from wellbeing 1.0 where it is tangential to the long-term strategy of the business to wellbeing 2.0...