Feb 22, 2023
Should SEOs target “head terms” (aka short tail keywords) or focus more on longtail keyword phrases? Is there actual value in head terms? If so, when and how should you implement short tail keywords into your SEO strategy? Join hosts Crystal Carter and Mordy Oberstein as they dive into head terms and SEO strategy.
Daniel Cheung also joins the show to share his passion for search-related insights by exploring the potential value of head terms and their poor conversion performance.
It’s everything about short tail keywords on this episode of the SERP’s Up SEO podcast.
Key Segments:
[00:02:15] What's On This Episode of SERP's Up?
[00:03:43] Focus Topic of the Week: Head Terms
[00:15:18] Focus Topic Guest: Daniel K. Cheung
[00:21:34] So Many Search Engines
[00:26:36] Snappy News
[00:31:22] Follow of the Week: Suganthan Mohanadasan
Hosts, Guests, & Featured People:
Crystal Carter: https://twitter.com/CrystalontheWeb
Mordy Oberstein: https://twitter.com/MordyOberstein
Daniel K. Cheung: https://twitter.com/danielkcheung
Dr. Pete Meyers: https://twitter.com/dr_pete
Suganthan Mohanadasan: https://twitter.com/Suganthanmn
Wix SEO Learning Hub: https://www.wix.com/seo/learn
Daniel K Cheung SEO Consulting: https://www.danielkcheung.com.au/
Featured Snippets Drop to Historic Lows: https://moz.com/blog/featured-snippets-drop-to-historic-lows
Keyword Insights: https://www.keywordinsights.ai/
Google: Don't use 403s or 404s for rate limiting https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2023/02/dont-404-my-yum#back-to-basics:-4xx-errors-are-for-client-errors
Google: Link best practices for Google
Google: Deprecating the legacy Google My Business Insights API on February 20, 2023
Microsoft Bing's New AI Features Are Really Impressive & Thought Out https://www.seroundtable.com/new-bing-ai-34874.html