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TALL TALE TV - Sci-Fi and Fantasy Short Stories

Aug 29, 2022

The Mad Scientist's Brother ep.564

A mad scientist living in a poor, rural area gets thrust into contemporary America.

Jason Lairamore is a husband, father, and medical professional. Jason is also a reader and writer of strange stories from across the science fiction, fantasy, and horror spectrum. He has a...

Aug 26, 2022

A Fistful of Credits ep.563

This is what happens when an alien card game goes wrong.

Marc Shapiro is a New York Times Bestselling author, a published short story writer, poet, comic book writer and the author of more than 90 unauthorized celebrity biographies. Recent books include Existential Jibber Jabber...

Aug 24, 2022

Of Portals and Portents, Ch. 19 (book 4) ep.562

Yep, that's a dragon.

Listen to the book four playlist here


listen to book one

listen to book two

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Aug 19, 2022

Butler and Barrie’s Wild Faery Land Stolen Child Carousel ep.561

An enchanted carousel comes to town, but the parents get a different ride.

Caleb Coy is a freelance writer with a Masters Degree in English from Virginia Tech. He was first captivated by the poetry of William Butler Yeats in high school. His writing has...

Aug 15, 2022

Fields of Ice ep.560

When tutoring the Tyrant's children, Lector Marsius is caught in a trap, one of his own making.

Jay Caselberg is an author and poet whose work has appeared in many places around the world and been translated into several languages. He currently resides in Germany. You can discover more at