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TALL TALE TV - Sci-Fi and Fantasy Short Stories

Jul 31, 2023

Don't Forget Your Goat ep.642

No Inquisitor has ever killed a dragon.


Rick Danforth is a BSFA award nominated author from Yorkshire, England, where he works as a Systems Architect to fund his writing habit. When not working valiantly in the plot mines, he can be found doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a type of involuntary...

Jul 28, 2023

Big, Bad Ships from Outer Space ep.641

A retired Grand Master of the space fleet thought his time in the captain's chair was over, that he could finally spend more time with his wife and cook fancy meals for her, but... he was wrong.

Jason Lairamore is a writer of science fiction, fantasy, and horror who lives...

Jul 24, 2023

Of Risk and Relativity, Ch. 3 (book 5) ep.640

An Ice Plan.

Listen to the book five playlist here


listen to book one

listen to book two

Listen to book three

Jul 21, 2023

One Life in a Day ep.639

Identity was no longer a constant.

The author's prose has been sold to the Sci Phi Journal, Twenty Two Twenty Eight, Creepy Podcast, The Fifth Di..., and City River Tree. He resides in Saratoga Springs, NY


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Jul 17, 2023

Bogies in the Storm ep.638

A fighter pilot is sent into a storm, but finds more than he expected.

Michael D. Burnside is a graduate of Ohio University. By day, he earns a living as a systems analyst, helping customers figure out what they need from their software. His interests include gaming, science, computer...