Today I have another episode that was originally going to air on the podcast "Full Time Family"- a whim I had months ago. I decided to instead present it as a series here within Marvelous Moms to keep all the great content in one easy to find place!
I had Corrine on the podcast YEARS ago, she was on episode 73 which you can find in the links below. It's so fun to go back and talk to former guests again and see where they're at now. If you don't remember Corrine, she's the creator of Mint Arrow! Be sure to check out those links below as well. And of course, listen to this episode because that's one of the main things we're talking about.
So, what exactly did we talk about today?
I want to hear from YOU my friend! Let's chat about this over on Instagram- @kirstentyrrel You can tag me or post and use #marvelousmomsclub so we can keep the conversation going.
You know what? You should make sure you've SUBSCRIBED to the podcast! Do that here on iTunes or Stitcher!
AND if you LOVE the podcast and want to show me some love- head to iTunes and leave a rating and review! (thank you so much!)
Corrine's podcast for Mint Arrow
Mompreneur Monday with Corrine Stokoe of Mint Arrow (Episode 73)
Thanks for listening- have a marvelous day!
It's Five Minute Friday! And today I have a little check in episode- letting you know how homeschool is really going. I get asked a lot how I am balancing this on top of everything else- and a few months in... this is the stone cold truth!
Mommas! We have something really special to share on today's episode! Keia was on the podcast a couple of months ago and after our talk (and several others after it) we realized how much we wanted to work with each other! We have a shared passion for teaching others and we're sharing on this episode how we plan to do just that!
Happy Monday, Marvelous Moms! Get ready to listen to the smooth sounds of Jadah's voice on the podcast today. This episode manages to be relaxing and inspiring at the same time 🤣
Here's the gist of our conversation:
As always, we hope your day is brightened by the podcast today.
Don't forget to follow Jadah on Instagram and to check out her website. She's also provided a FREE 5-Step Build Your Challenge Roadmap.
The other day during "chore time" my kids decided instead of taking 5 minutes to do something, they'd take 3 hours. This opened up the doors for a math lesson, a time management lesson, and even brought out the dominos for an object lesson in cause and effect! Listen in for five minutes to see how THESE five minutes changed their minds about chores!
Hey moms! Today is a BONUS episode- intended to be a Five Minute Friday but I had a LOT to say. This episode was recorded after a few others that are coming in the very near future- and you can FEEL the energy shift in my voice.
And my voice is the exact topic of conversation today. I had a really amazing experience in Florida last month and wanted to share it publicly. And this is just one of many wonderful moments- but it was life changing and I never want to forget it!
Today's episode is one that was originally going to air on the podcast "Full Time Family"- a whim I had months ago. I decided to instead present it as a series here within Marvelous Moms to keep all the great content in one easy to find place!
Kindle is my inspiration for the homeschool life we are living right now. She is THE person to follow and learn from if you are toying around with the idea, or need some empowerment as a homeschool mom.
We covered a LOT of ground here and got pretty deep into our beliefs about the school system and why we are not just homeschooling to combat what we see are the FLAWS, but rather the beauty that we are finding and the positives in schooling our children from home. You may not know this- but all homeschool parents get asked the same basic questions and are met with the same reactions from parents who do not homeschool.
I asked Kindle to debunk or demystify three of those main things we get asked about or the assumptions people make- and her answers were fantastic.
It's a Five Minute Friday yo! Today I'm talking (rather ranting and rambling) about my journey through self esteem, and how I went from a lazy teen to a self aware adult. I'm finally realizing now- how beauty isn't about the makeup, the clothes or the hair. It's about your light- who you are and really just BEING yourself. Cliche? Yep. But I'm ok with it- and I hope you glean something from this short episode!