Sep 30, 2022
China? Will they become the dominant world superpower in the near future? No! God says Israel will soon be given this title! God has a plan for how this will happen, and it is AMAZING! We have nothing to fear related to china!
Sep 28, 2022
Abortion is a highly controversial, polarizing subject! What God shares is clear. yet He offers comfort for those who have ever had an abortion. God takes something painfuland provides an amazing happy ending for believers! Praise God!
Sep 27, 2022
Is the end of our world coming? YES! By God Himself not man! Is the coming end of this world…the end? NO! For believers, it brings about a GREAT NEW BEGINNING! A reconstructed perfect world for all eternity! God’s plans here are spe
Sep 14, 2022
From 9-14-2022 through 9-30-2022 we are moving to a new platform. No new shows can be posted during this process. Work may be completed by 9-25-2022. Please look for new shows on this date. Thank you for your patience, good things are coming
Sep 10, 2022
This is the first of my new “non-podcast segments” called “From Pastor Rick.” A way for me to communicate without taking valuable time from topical podcast episodes. They will be brief,allowing me to share with you efficient