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24 END TIME PROPHECIES with Pastor Rick Blomgren

Oct 28, 2023

The Ezekiel 38 attack by Russia and her allies in Israel has begun!  It will soon be terrifying if you do not know what God is doing and why! We can see today how this war is growing! The enemies of Israel have one goal in mind, to remove Israel from the face of the earth! The question is…will they succeed?  Will this...

Oct 24, 2023

The world is starting to realize a NEW AXIS OF EVIL is forming in the world! This podcast is a replay of my episode from 10-18-22, how could I possibly have known about this Axis of evil a year ago? THIS IS PROPHECY! We are witnessing THE BEGINNING STAGES OF EZEKIEL 38.  Please listen to my next Episode 309 as I will...

Oct 22, 2023

We are witnessing the final battle between Abraham’s two sons Ishmael, and Issac FOR THE HOLY LAND!  There can only be one family victorious! The Quran tells us Ishmael’s family will be victorious! The Bible of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob says the Hebrew side will prevail…with certain special help! We are...

Oct 18, 2023

EZEKIEL 38 HAS BEGUN!  We are in the opening stages of a war that will accelerate to look like WWIII, but God will personally intervene saving the world within hours!  There is no reason to worry about what is happening as I have provided you with some tools God has provided for us to explain what is happening and why! ...

Oct 11, 2023

On 10-7-2023 something amazing began the possible birth of a war that with the help of 3-United States Presidents will likely result inGod’s next major prophecy Ezekiel 38!  WE ARE LIVING IN THE MOST AMAZING TIME IN WORLD HISTORY!  We are told that wise men and God’s Prophets desired to see what we are seeing today,...