Aug 21, 2018
- A Family Discussion on LDS Women in the Mormon Community
- Plop down a microphone in the middle of the dinner table. Politics, social issues and the church.
- Full-time work vs full-time mothering. Confonting the issue vs. guilt. Modesty? Mormon issues. I mean Latter-Day-Saint LDS issues. You're invited.
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Aug 13, 2018
Biblical Hebrew expert translates the Genesis 'Eden' as 'Bountiful' as is found in the Book of Mormon.
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Cwic Media LDS, Mormon...
Aug 13, 2018
An explanation of the meaning of the Fiery Darts from Lehi's Dream in the Book of Mormon comparing them with the 'fiery serpents' of Moses and the Cherubim and the Flaming Sword of the Garden of Eden story.
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