Apr 26, 2023
Most of the newer ideologies today are simply repackaged Marxism. Many don't want to hear that. Some will say it is conspiratorial, others that it is not true. But anyone who really studies these secular "philosophies of men" or even listens to what the movers and shakers of these ideologies actually say, cannot walk...
Apr 24, 2023
Gender Clinics in the US have grown from 1 in 2007 to well over 300 today.
In 2018 the UK reported that adolescent girls seeking gender treatment had increased by 4,400% over the previous decade.
The Ideology behind this virus is Queer Theory. Its advocates do all they can to spread this contagion.
I get messages from a...
Apr 20, 2023
"One of the most fascinating aspects of God's nature is that He delegates authority and power."
God's truth is based on order and hierarchy. We receive God's word but then are charged with sharing that word.
One way of going against God's order is to consolidate power to yourself. This is antithetical to God's modus...
Apr 18, 2023
What has happenned to the men (Noble Male) in the West?
What happens when compassion is "untethered?"
Culture cannot function properly without the balance of men and women.
The Noble Male is driven by two engines, as on a train. The first engine is truth, righteousness and wisdom; the second is grace and compassion. He...
Apr 17, 2023
"One of the first things that happens when a culture loses the larger story of God is that there is only one story left—mine."
A loss of our identity as Children of God, means that other identities rise in society's values. We become more prideful. Instead of us being in God's image, we make God in our image.