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She Sells He Sells

Apr 24, 2023

It’s been one full year of podcasting, and the lessons we’ve learned have carried us through a year full of lots of career ups and downs.  We’re taking you behind the scenes to get the real reel on what’s been happening in year one of She Sells He Sells - it’s an episode not to be missed!

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Apr 17, 2023

Business moves at the speed of trust, so building it with your potential customers is a non-negotiable.  But trust is more than someone knowing who you are or that you ‘know your stuff’ so to speak.  In this two part series we’ll explore the two different types of trust you must build in order to create...

Apr 10, 2023

Business moves at the speed of trust, so building it with your potential customers is a non-negotiable.  But trust is more than someone knowing who you are or that you ‘know your stuff’ so to speak.  In this two part series we’ll explore the two different types of trust you must build in order to create...

Apr 3, 2023

How many times have you obsessed over whether an investment is worth it, OR if it’s the right time to begin something new?  We have…many times.  Today we are diving into the idea of investing in yourself with a real, raw conversation that might open your eyes up to this concept in a whole new way.

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