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Progressive Podcast Australia

Jun 25, 2014

- Nationalism and militarism in ice-hockey. - $11 billion spent on the World Cup rather than on much needed services in Brazil. - Thousands of people evicted from their homes for their tournament. - Sex workers pushed out of the city. - Interview with a member of the Comit Popular da Copa in Sao Paulo, a coordination of...

Jun 16, 2014

- Check your economic privilege at - What you HAVENT learnt from the media this week: ABC radio obsesses over electoral politics in Australia (including recently revealing that Malcolm Turnbull had dinner with Clive Palmer and that he ordered a soup), while neglecting important international issues...

Jun 3, 2014

- Coggo from the Melbourne Street Medic Collective (Melb SMC) on the Wage Peace Convoy that broke the world record for most protests in one day. - Unfortunately Guinness refused to include them, maybe because theyre too busy reporting on really important records like the most business leaders attending a networking...