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Thrive: Mental Health and the Art of Living Free

Feb 24, 2023

This week on Thrive, we are tackling a tough but important topic: suffering. 


The theology of suffering is something most of us wrestle with at some point in our lives. Asking questions like, if God is good, then how can He allow bad things to happen? Or, why does God allow good people to go through bad things? 

Feb 17, 2023

This week on Thrive, we are talking with Dr. Amy O’Hana about burnout. According to a new report, more than half of American workers (59%) experience at least moderate levels of burnout. In mainstream medicine, burnout is now recognized as a legitimate medical disorder with its ICD-10 code.


In this episode, we...

Feb 10, 2023

This week we taking a fresh look at self-care. 


If you've been listening for a while, you know I'm a big believer in self care. Many people confuse self-care with bubble baths and manicures. These are great! Nevertheless, they only give a glimpse into the true meaning of self-care.


Self care is simply caring...

Feb 3, 2023

Last week, we talked with Lisa Boucher about her steps to recovery from alcoholism.

Today, we are continuing the conversation about addictions with my guest, Colleen Ryan Hensley

It’s no surprise that we are struggling emotionally. A recent study found that 40% of participants suffered symptoms of depression or...