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Dec 13, 2022

Our libidos take a hit at every bend in the road of life and the switchbacks intensify during midlife.  As does our stress.

First of all, most of us are so overextended we don’t know if we’re coming or going.  We say “yes” too often to keep in line with our role as the “put-er of all others first”.  We...

Nov 15, 2022

Have you ever noticed that one day you’re even-keeled, steady and everything you “touch” turns to gold? 

Only to be followed a day or so later (maybe a week) when you appear to have been strapped into an emotional rollercoaster (against your will), taken for a wild ride (that is anything but fun), and now what was...

Nov 7, 2022

A common backseat driver of #perimenopause, and total nuisance, is #brainfog, AKA perimenopause brain.  It's like pregnancy brain but then again, its not.  

People are much more forgiving toward our forgetfulness, the occasional word loss, and our momentarily scattered selves when there’s a “Baby On Board”. 


Oct 12, 2022

There is an ROI on both leadership development and talent retention that you may not have given much thought to. 
Seeing that you’ve invested heavily into hiring, training, and the professional development of the women in your company, when they stay and grow with your company that can add zeros with commas to the...

Oct 4, 2022

As a result of my personal experience with perimenopause (peri) and the realization that peri is something we just don’t talk about, I made a shift in my professional focus. 

We need to be talking about perimenopause.

This is a conversation that belongs in every room in which there are women.  From the boardroom to...