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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Apr 26, 2019

What are we wearing?
5200K by Suvi Simola
Sharlene's 5200K
Dragonflies Jumper by Joji Locatelli
Gayle's Dragonflies Jumper

What are we stalking?
Derecho by Alison Green
Martha's Derecho that I tried on at the retreat
Remix Light from Berroco
Ama Sweater by Maddie Harvey
Dracarys Sweater by Sonia Masegosa
Ginga Top -...

Apr 11, 2019

What are we wearing?
5200K by Suvi Simola
Sharlene's 5200
Peasy by Heidi Kirrmeier
Gayle's Peasy
Arroyo from Malabrigo Yarn

What are we stalking?
Pescadero Waves by Heather Linebarger
Coast Old Bomuld from Holst Garn
Rusty Tuku by Susanne Sommer
Perfect Reversible Watch Cap by Nancy Elizabeth Nunroe
Candy Dot by...