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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Oct 20, 2023

What are we wearing?
Farallon by Elizabeth Doherty
Sharlene's Farallon
Lounger by Joji Locatelli
Gayle's Lounger

What are we stalking?
Seashore Stroll by Jennifer Shiels Toland
Uptown Tee by Tori Yu
Skyline Pullover by Tori Yu
Gro Hat by Fiber Tales
Nerea by Fiber Tales
Sweater No. 9 by My Favourite Things

Oct 6, 2023

What are we wearing?

Hood on the Moon by Katrin Schneider
Sharlene's Hood on the Moon
Elton by Joji Locatelli
Gayle's Elton
What are we stalking?
Manhattan Vest by Tori Yu
Perfect Tee Handbook by Kate Oates
Mirron Hat by Cashmere and Beach
Lisse by Kindred Red 
Maple Seed Skirt by Bethany Henderson
Laurel (Jumper) by...