Oct 26, 2022
Chad Tackett is a personal health coach with a degree in Exercise Science, Health, & Nutrition from Oregon State University and has been a certified personal trainer & weight loss expert for almost 30 years. He started the world’s very first online weight loss program, Committed 100, in 1995 and he's been featured in more than 100 books, radio, and TV shows. Chad has helped more than 10,000 people online, showing them exactly how to activate their body's natural ability to burn fat 24 hours a day.
What was fun to find out was that the vast majority of his clients are over 50 and are women. We need to find him some more men to help - especially as there are definitely just as many overweight men as there are women (my editorializing).
I am sure that you will all enjoy the podcast and after you listen you can go to his website https://www.committed100.com/ to learn more and sign up for his program if it makes sense for you and your life.